Our Acoustic Consultants are Members of the Institute of Acoustics (IOA) and can undertake Environmental Noise Assessments for Planning purposes.
We can also provide advice and guidance for dealing with noise and licensing issues in Licensed premises (pubs and clubs etc), or other commercial premises. We can offer solutions to noise break out from buildings, plant and machinery.
In terms of planning, we can assist at every stage of a planning application ranging from pre-application meetings with the client and the Local Authority through to provision of Technical Reports to be submitted with a full planning application. Appropriate mitigation measures to reduce any noise to an acceptable level will also be discussed and included where necessary.
Noise measurements are taken using UKAS calibrated Sound level meters.
Our reports refer to recognised British Standards (BS8233, BS5228, BS4142 etc), World Health Organisation Standards and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to determine acceptability of the measured noise levels.